Scalable Technology

Small Companies Welcome! Before we begin, please remember that although there are many features that we provide, you can use only what you need for a small operation, and as other features are needed or as your knowledge increases, you can advance through other features as they are needed.

Our product infrastructure was designed for this specific reason, to help our clients, big and small, learn how to use the various features that will help them run their companies more efficiently and economically, while giving small companies "room to grow", or large companies a way to streamline their operations.


100% Guaranteed You Will Learn!

We have Training Videos, Flash demos, and Online Remote Training Sessions, and if you or your designated technical staff member still need additional training, we will fly someone out to you for personal training, *free of charge.

Our Services

Our services are comprised of SIX main categories which make it easier to explain, and also to figure out which categories pertain to your company. This also makes it easier to delegate certain responsibilities to particular individuals who may be considered "training officers" that would train the individuals within your company.

The 6 categories of Destiny are shown below, click on an image to view greater detail of the functions for that category. If you see a "YouTube" icon in the upper right of a page, you can click on it to see a video that will show you how that function actually works.

Windows XP / Vista / 7
(Field Officers)

Android Devices
(Field Officers)

iPhone Devices
(Field Officers)

Administration Portal
(Office Personnel)

Computer Aided
Dispatch - C.A.D.

Property Managers
(Where reports are sent)

CLEARisa PTT Push-To-Talk

The Difference Is Clear!
The only PushTo Talk software that has mobile hardware too!

Our new PTT System utilizes Android devices AND Windows Computers, but what makes us different from all of the others is that we have actual hardware for mobile applications, it's an actual two way vehicle radio, with a volume control, on/off switch, integrated speaker, and palm microphone, all in one unit, that plugs right into the USB port of your Windows Computer.


License Plate Recognition When you have to be on the prowl for offenders of parking enforcement regulations, we have the solution for you.

Simple comparison, officer on foot 1 vehicle every minute, "LeoPaRd" License Plate Recognition hardware utilizing the Destiny parking database, 1 vehicle every 2 seconds.